Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Pictures! & Mini Update

Hey Everyone, before I get into the pics I took today I need to sort of update on something. I know I said in my last post that I was going to get my Teddy Bear Hamster after summer vacation but things have sort of changed. I'll try to make it as simple as possible because, honestly, I tend to make things a bit more complicated in my head. 
So-The thing is that when I got home from school yesterday my mother told me that I would be staying in NY for the month my she goes to the Caribbean. Originally I was going to go for half of the summer with her but now we'll just cancel my flight and I'll stay here in NY. I really wanted to go but then again, I go every summer. So now I can adopt the Teddy Bear Hamster now instead of in the middle of summer vacation. I'm not sure when I'll adopt her but you can expect a post on a Teddy soon.
Now For the pictures! I really like the ones I took today. Here they are:
BTW:These are unedited so they might not be the best.
 She was in her tube eating her stash.

Bye Everyone!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Just a quick [Update?] about my accounts/websites. I don't have an official website but I do have a Youtube, 
Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Aol, and an account at RoborovskiHamsters.com 
which is the one I use the most regarding 'hamster business'. 

I wont put my Facebook because that's more for my own personal stuff.
The accounts are in the order of which I use the most to which I use the least.
Youtube, Hotmail, Flickr, and Robo .com are a tie (I use them either everyday or every other day).
  1. Youtube: PetCrazzy
  2. Hotmail: gerachan202@hotmail.com
  3. RoborovskiHamsters.com: A_hamster_Early_Frum_Happiness
  4. Flickr: BacioCriceto
  5. Gmail: geraizhea@gmail.com
  6. Yahoo: gerachan202@yahoo.com
  7. Aol: Gerachan202@aol.com
Bye Everyone, From Geraldine And Melon

Melon, My Hamster & Related

Hello everyone, I decided to start a blogger mainly because of one of my favorite Youtube channels, RoboHamsterify. Honestly, I am much better at writing than making vlogs so I don't have any videos on my Youtube channel at the time. I do write a lot on my free time so I thought, "Why not just make a blog?" I guess I just never really got to making the actual thing.
Well, anyways, this blog is pretty much my intro and at the same time telling you about my Roborovski (Robo) hamster, Melon. I know, it's a weird name but I like it. She is one year, six months, and sixteen days old at the moment. She is actually my third (second?) hamster that I've ever had. The first hamster I met was a hamster (shorthaired I believe) that I found outside my church on a rainy day when I was five. We took it home because no one else could. I didn't know what it was at that time but we kept it in a cat carrier because my cat would kill it if we left it somewhere else. My mother eventually gave it to the pet store. My REAL first hamster as a pet was a shorthaired hamster named Nunnalie. She wasn't tame at all and since I was only eleven, I didn't really think of taming her. She bit me a few times but I loved her. She died at about two years old. I don't know what she had but it was a quick death. 
My present day hamster, Melon, is a gentle little one. She is really active at night (of course) but she is actually really calm compared to other Robos. I've had her for almost a year now. I adopt all my hamsters at PETCO. About seven months after I lost Nunnalie I decided I was ready for another furry companion and I went to PETCO and as I was trying to decide my mother said "Look how small!" or something along those lines. Let me tell you, the way I choose pets is a bit weird. I first examine all of them to make sure they have no health issues. Then, to put it in a simple way, I pretty much look for "Love at first sight". I saw the smallest little hamster and I literally got a sudden urge to just hold it. To be perfectly honest, at first I only got her to bug my mother who thought a Robo was too small and could easily get hurt but not even a month after I had her I couldn't even think of replacing her.

I've taken some time off to tame her but with school I don't really have the energy. Though she's really accustomed to me by now. She let's me give her food and treats and she even lets me pet her.
A few days ago I went to PETCO to buy the usual bedding and food refill when I saw the most beautiful Teddy Bear Hamster I've ever seen. I spent about an hour just contemplating whether I should get her and calculating how much it would come out (the total $). There's a really long explanation to exactly what my thoughts and mental math was so I'll just sum it up as much as I can;
I found a HUMONGOUS package of Aspen bedding (plus it was the new Planet PETCO) and a package of food twice the size of the usual one I buy. The bedding package had to be at least ten times the regular size with the price of two of the smaller ones! I added the cost of a wheel (I had three extras but they are too small) and the cost of a new (and bigger) igloo sleeper and found that even though this one trip would cost a bit more than my monthly trip the trips from then on would cost less than the next trips. I know it's a bit confusing but the end result is if I adopt her (the Teddy Bear Hamster) then I would need to buy bigger  amounts of food and bedding but the bigger packages end up costing less so by buying her I would also save money. The money isn't really a problem but it helps when convincing your parents.
My brother already said he would buy her for me so I just have to wait until I come back from my summer vacation. I really want to get her now but since my pets are staying with him (my brother) I don't want to give him more responsibilities, especially since Teddy Bear Hamsters need frequent grooming. Oh well, I'll adopt her in time, probably not the same one I saw that day but a lovely one nonetheless.
Bye Everyone!