It's been a while! I'm sorry I haven't been posting since the last time. I've really just been so down lately. Melon is well though she is a bit mellow these days. I've been a bit concerned about her because I see that she's been hunching over when she walks and her legs look so bare-ish. She also has a little patch on her back that lost fur. I don't know what to do, really. Maybe it's because of aging? She's two years old now so that might be it. Either way, if I can't find a concrete reason for this I'll take her to the vet. So many things have been happening lately that I really just feel so overwhelmed.
After my grandmother passed I haven't really been too motivated to do anything. School was going fine I guess, but I didn't really know how to cope at home. I started slacking for a bit and even forgot to clean Melon's cage one week! I felt so bad that I started cleaning it straight away the other day. That's when I noticed the patch of skin on her back. She seems a bit down but she still runs a lot and eats and drinks.
On top of that, I got a toe injury and had to go to my hospital for treatment. They said it was to infected to do anything that day so they prescribed some antibiotics and gave me some stuff to keep it clean. Now, I was supposed to go today for the operation but I had to reschedule. If I had gone today then tomorrow I'd be in bed until it healed and that would mean missing a lot of things that have been already planned. Already, the doctors prohibited any gym or physical practices for two weeks. And so, I'll have to get the operation on Monday. I've been having some trouble cleaning Melon's cage because of my toe and it's really worrying me what I'll do after I come out of the hospital. Will I have to get someone to take care of her? This really sucks...
Anyways, with Christmas literally around the corner, I feel a bit disappointed. There's not going to be a white Christmas again this year, I haven't been able to get Melon her present yet, and everything is so gloomy! Oh well, let's make the best of it I guess.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.
Drive safely and careful with that eggnog!
=( That sucks... try to have a nice Christmas, though!